Office Procedures

Dear Patients and Friends The Center For Health has always prioritized the health and safety of our patients. We take pride in being a Medical/Chiropractic office that upholds the highest standard of values and policies that support a safe environment. There is no higher priority to our office than the health and well-being of our […]

Hope for Back Pain Sufferers

Dear Patients and Friends, Every week I am asked by patients “Is there any research on the effectiveness of Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?” Absolutely! In fact, please take a moment to read the following research recaps: Several studies on spinal decompression indicated between a 71-90% success rate with one study reporting an immediate resolution of symptoms […]

How To Stay Healthy!

Dear Patients and Friends, According to the experts, there are a few things that you can do to support your immune system doing its job. Stay hydrated – The first one is to stay well-hydrated. Hydration is fundamental to keeping your immune system healthy. It is recommended to drink a minimum of half their body […]

The Importance Of Vitamin C

Here’s an interesting fact for you that I received from a website” Beyond Organic Doctors”Humans are the one of the few mammals that don’t make their own vitamin C. Interesting, right?Vitamin C is so important that literally every other mammal has the ability to create its own.More than just a boost to the immune system, […]

Allergies or Covid-19?

Well, allergy season is upon us and in the last few days several patients wanted to know:How to differentiate between Coronavirus or Allergies?Is Sneezing a Common Coronavirus Symptom?Are My Red Eyes Allergies or Coronavirus?Can You Have Allergies and Coronavirus? I have listed a few guidelines and helpful hints: The main warning signs of COVID-19 are […]

Managing Stay Home life

Over the last 6 weeks I have been writing to you about a number of ways to stay healthy and strong during this turbulent time.So it was good to see that now some of that information is going mainstream! Please click on the link below to see:“While we wait for a coronavirus vaccine, eating well, […]

How to Shop

One of the biggest struggles that people have is knowing how to shop and choose the right foods when visiting the grocery store. And while there are SO many choices and a TON of confusion at your local grocer, they’ve actually made it really EASY for you to shop, if you know what sections to […]

Vitamin B12

Dear Patients and Friends The body and the mind are part of an unbelievably intricate system where all pieces need to coordinate in order to function at its best. A positive by-product of this current global event is that there is much more information available about the importance of certain nutrients required for a properly […]

Why are some people asymptomatic?

Dear Patients and Friends Today I was reading an article about why some people with the Covid 19 infection have no symptoms, while other patients die from the same disease. It is estimated that 18-30% may be asymptomatic. There are 2 theories mentioned in the article:1- Some people have a stronger “innate” immune response […]

The Learning Curve – Vogue Magazine

Whenever something I talk about with patients appears in mainstream media, I always like to share with you. The article I’m going to share with you appeared in Vogue magazine in July 2015 and is titled, “The Learning Curve.” The article highlights a recent study in the journal Surgical Technology International. which reported the new […]